Fun Advertising Facts

  • Did you know about the very first written ad? A long time ago in Egypt, some slave merchants were using papyrus to inform of trade sales. One in particular is considered to be the very first advertising in written form, following the tale of the slave Shem. It is now kept in the British Museum in London.

  • The most expensive commercial ever was created by Chanel in 2004. It is a fully-fledged romance short film, featuring a forbidden love which is much reminiscent of Moulin Rouge – for more than one reason. Its price was 33 million dollars, 3 million of which were given to Nicole Kidman, who casted in the ad.

  • There is a nifty little detail on watches commercials. Historically, the hands on the watches always rest at either 10:10 or 8:20. This is done to show the brand’s name on the ad and avoid covering it with one of the watch hands, but it’s not the only reason. Hands positioned that way seem to remind of a smile, causing a subconscious positive reaction in consumers.

  • It is said that one of the oldest outdoor advertisements was carved on a stone column in the ancient city of Memphis. It was created in approximately 500 BC. and stated: “I live here, Minos from Cyprus, who can interpret dreams for a moderate fee.” Bold.

  • In October 27, 1994, online magazine Hotwired created the first ever website banner, essentially condemning consumer life forever and making the fortune of advertisers worldwide. It was 468×60 pixels, which standardised the size of online banners ever since.

  • Billboards were first invented in the 1830s by a man called Jared Bell. They were first used to advertise circus acts, but later, in the 1860s, businesses started buying outdoor spaces to advertise their services and products. When the 20th century came along, billboards had already been established and they were more popular than ever before.

  • The very first US newspaper advertisement was published in 1704 in the Boston News Letter. It advertised an estate in Oyster Bay, Long Island, seeking a buyer.


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