Good To Go Racing foregoes 2023 edition, will be back next year

By Jordan Parker

Good To Go Racing has announced they won’t do a 2023 iteration this year but promise 2024 is a go.

Due to the work schedules and commitments of a busy committee, organizer Shayne Neigum says it was a big decision they didn’t take lightly.

“It’s just a by-product of us being too busy, and the manpower we projected for the show projected to be down a bunch,” he said.

“To pull off a show like this, we need huge volunteer help. Lots of important things have been going on in our lives, and that had to take precedence over the event. It’s a reality for this year, but it was tough.”


Over the last few months, East Forty Entertainment and the show realized it was just a big thing that couldn’t be done.

“There are commitments for July, and committee members had things come up, but we have no doubt in our minds we’re coming back,” he said.

The show has gone on for nine years, with time broken up with COVID-19.

“We’re planning for 2024 to be our biggest yet. We have plenty we’ll try to implement for next year and have exciting events,” he said.

As someone who has been a part of things since the beginning, Neigum is so happy to be able to put this on.

“There’s land east of Kindersley this is done on, and for small-town Saskatchewan and this area, it’s so important. There are only a few events here,” he said.

“We hang at the rinks during the winter, and come summer there just isn’t a huge amount of stuff.”

Rodeos and races often reign supreme, and he’s been happy to provide something to Kindersley and area.

“The races became a big hit in the town and province and in Alberta. Folks from all over love it. We love to do it,” he said. “We just want to host an event we put our all into and one we’ll be proud of.”

The event has also greatly grown in the last nine years, and Neigum is happy to see the changes.

“Things have changed exponentially. We started with small beer tents and lawn chairs. Now we have 2,800 bleacher seats, and we’ve sold out both days for the last bunch of years,” he said.

“That’s what makes all the effort worth it. We have so much support from spectators, fans and sponsors. It’s just one of the best weekends.”

He wanted to be clear that the event just couldn’t happen without all the support of the community.

“I’m just ecstatic for 2024. We’re going to get our noses to the grindstone for next year. We know what we can build and what we’re good at, and we didn’t want to do half a job this year,” he said.

“We are all-in or we don’t do it. We weren’t going to downgrade the show, but our wheels are spinning for next year. We’re grateful for the support and we can’t wait to see everyone in 2024.”


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