Growing Through Grief: Laughter

By Angela Clement

As I write this it almost feels like I am doing something wrong putting laughter in the same title as the word grief. It does raise some questions doesn’t it? Is it okay to laugh and grieve at the same time? I think culturally death and dying is considered a very serious topic and humor can be seen as inappropriate. This is not true of every culture. I personally believe we can grieve and laugh at the same time. I will even go so far to say that laughter is the best medicine, even in grief.

I remember back to the Celebration of Life that we held for Blaine. His first cousin Jim stood up and told stories about Blaine. Jim has always had a gift for telling stories and making people laugh. I am sure it was difficult for him to do what he did because Blaine and Jim were so close. He had us all in stitches laughing and remembering. My niece also got up and told a story and it was so comforting and funny at the same time. I don’t think everyone has the ability to get up and do this well. I am not a big fan of the whole open mic thing at funerals because of that. It takes a bit of tact to be able to carry off a good funny story when people are grieving.

Blaine too knew how to make people laugh. It was just natural for him. I think that is one of the many reasons I fell head over heels in love with him. Fortunately my kids have inherited his gift of being funny and they do make me laugh when I am with them. My grandson makes me laugh and it is easy to make him laugh so that is fun! Normally I have to work at it if I want to make people laugh. In fact I would say for the most part I take things a bit too seriously.  I think I do honor my husband to be able to laugh sometimes. A funny thought or story will elicit a giggle in me and at the same time some fond memories. As humans we are built to be able to do both laughter and grief at the same time.

I absolutely love being around funny people. I think we all do. Not the type that are “trying” to be funny but the type that can naturally elicit that deep belly laugh. I enjoy a good belly laugh. I especially love those times where you just can’t stop laughing and it actually hurts. Those are the best! This got me thinking, what if I added laughter to my wellness plan?

It has been proven that laughter IS healing. I think we know this intuitively too. There have been many studies show that laughter releases endorphins and other positive hormones that contribute to both physical and mental health. It can reduce pain, improve blood circulation, and oxygenate your blood. These facts are what prompted me to write this post. I feel compelled to add laughter to my wellness plan alongside exercise, sleep and healthy eating.

I have been thinking of how I might incorporate laughter into my day. Maybe it will become part of my morning routine. I could get one of those calendars that has a joke a day and/or I could purposely smile as I step into the shower or look out the window. I could find a great comedian to watch on YouTube. I really like Michael McIntyre. I think I need to watch him more. I have in the past enjoyed watching funny sitcoms on Netflix like Grace and Frankie or Big Bang Theory in the evenings. I need some suggestions for more. I have also just recently heard about Laughter Yoga and Laughter Meditation. Maybe I think I need to check into those as well.

I really feel like I need to laugh at myself a bit more too, not take things so seriously. Life can be serious and challenging enough. Balancing it with some laughter seems like a great plan! What do you think? Let me know if you have suggestions for me! I would love to hear from you.


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