Halloween costume ideas for all ages

Are you the type to eagerly scour every Halloween store in town in search of the perfect costume that will make you the talk of the party? Or perhaps you’re more the type to dig something up last minute, feeling compelled to dress up? And what about your children? Do they always know exactly what they want to be, or, on the contrary, can they never seem to make up their minds? No matter your answers to these questions, here are several ideas to help inspire your next Halloween get-up!

Are you fond of movies, television series or video games? Well, pop culture offers endless inspiration! Do you or your children go crazy for characters like Belle, Moana, Flash McQueen, Trolls, Minions or one of the furry members of the Paw Patrol? How about Toad, Daenerys Targaryen, Princess Leia or Zelda, or the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow? Have you ever dreamed of embodying a superhero or villain like Wonder Woman, Batman, Harley Quinn, Joker or Deadpool? Lastly, if you’re big on nostalgia, why not venture into the magical universe of Harry Potter.

Not much of a moviegoer or gamer?

Then perhaps you’re a fan of current events! Hop into the shoes of Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton or Justin Trudeau for the day — and don’t forget to study your character to get their mannerisms just right. More of a social media addict? Channel your favourite emoji, or turn yourself into a hashtag. And if you’re one to think outside the box, why not create your own disguise? A quick online search will yield many unique DIY ideas for every personality type: bottle of wine, box of crayons, hot dog, tube of toothpaste, etc. The only limit is your imagination!

So, what will you and your children transform into this year?


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