Halloween party at Heritage Manor

By Joan Janzen

The Kindersley Heritage Manor invited children and their parents to a Halloween party on Wednesday, October 25. Kids, parents and residents got together to have fun and enjoy snacks and crafts together. Lively music was playing, and the staff got into the spirit of the event, as they were all attired in bright costumes. Even one of the residents came disguised as Batman. By the expressions on the faces of the residents, it appeared this was more activity and noise than they were accustomed to, but they were enjoying it all.

Parents paraded their costumed children around the room for all the residents to see. But the highlight of the morning was seeing the smiles on the faces of the residents as they kissed and hugged babies and toddlers who came to visit.

A big shout out to the staff for hosting the event, and to all the parents who took the time to dress up their children and bring them out for a visit at the Manor.

Babies and toddlers decked out in costumes brought smiles to the faces of residents at Heritage Manor at Wednesday morning’s Halloween party.



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