Letter: Absence of anger at Oyen meeting

Letter to the Editor

Hi Kate,

I’m a Paramedic in Alberta and was dismayed by the poor response from citizens at the AHS Town Hall meeting about the ER Closure and ongoing EMS problems. Not the turnout; it was the absence of anger.

Oyen residents and visitors ought to be furious at those AHS managers who showed up on that stage. Every one of them is directly responsible for the poor performance and ongoing crisis, as are their managers further up the org chart.

As for the inadequate response from the uniformed EMS manager, it’s only the public’s lack of information that allowed them to sit on their hands while a few members of the Oyen Fire Department challenged his evasive answers.

The AHS EMS Ambulance in Oyen was only staffed for 14 out of 31 days in December.

There were over a dozen very serious car accidents in the Oyen area during that time, with EMS response times of over 90 minutes on several occasions.

AHS has been grossly mismanaged for years; the proof is there for anyone to see.

What a sad state when 600 Citizens show up to be lied to and let bureaucrats get away with it. Shame.

View my research at slideshare.net/donsharpe.


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