Moments in Time: An Authentic Life of Billy the Kid

The History Channel

  • On April 17, 1882, several copies of Sheriff Pat Garrett's wildly inauthentic, fictionalized biography, "An Authentic Life of Billy the Kid," arrive at the Library of Congress. The first full, realistic biography of William Bonney (the Kid's principal alias) was not published until 1989.

  • On April 16, 1897, Frederick William Winterbotham, one of Britain's top code breakers, is born. Winterbotham would play a decisive role in the World War II Ultra code-breaking project, enabling MI-6 to intercept top secret messages transmitted to and between German armed forces.

  • On April 14, 1912, just before midnight in the North Atlantic, the RMS Titanic fails to divert its course from an iceberg, ruptures its hull, and begins to sink. The Titanic's hull was divided into 16 presumed watertight compartments, and the ocean liner was considered unsinkable.

  • On April 11, 1921, KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcasts the first live sporting event on the radio, a boxing match. Radio had been used primarily for two-way communication, but KDKA became the first licensed radio station in 1920. Months later the first Major League Baseball game was broadcast.

  • On April 12, 1945, President Franklin Roosevelt dies of a cerebral hemorrhage at his home in Warm Springs, Georgia. The only man to be elected to four terms as president, Roosevelt is remembered for his New Deal social policies.

  • On April 15, 1967, a massive parade to protest Vietnam War policy is held in New York. Police estimated that 100,000 to 125,000 people listened to speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Benjamin Spock. Prior to the march, youth burned nearly 200 draft cards in Central Park.

  • On April 13, 1978, opening day at Yankee Stadium, the New York Yankees give away thousands of Reggie! candy bars to fans, who toss them onto the field after star outfielder Reggie Jackson homers in his first at-bat.

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