Moments in Time: Largest parking lot

The History Channel

  • On Sept. 12, 1846, Elizabeth Barrett elopes with Robert Browning. Despite her father's dislike of Browning, calling him an unreliable fortune hunter, Elizabeth and Robert conducted a secret courtship. After a secret wedding at St. Marylebone Parish Church, the two moved to Italy, where Elizabeth's former weak health improved dramatically.

  • On Sept. 14, 1901, U.S. President William McKinley dies after being shot in Buffalo, New York. When McKinley was operated on, doctors had failed to find the bullet, and gangrene soon spread throughout his body.

  • On Sept. 15, 1935, German Jews are stripped of their citizenship, reducing them to "subjects" of the state. German Jews were excluded from high-profile vocations, from public office to journalism and teaching, even farming. Jews found it difficult even to buy food.

  • On Sept. 16, 1940, the first peacetime draft in the history of the United States is imposed on men between the ages of 21 and 36. There were 20 million eligible young men; 50% were rejected the very first year for health reasons or illiteracy.

  • On Sept. 13, 1963, Texas-born entrepreneur Mary Kay Ash launches a cosmetic company in Dallas. Mary Kay Inc. would become a cosmetic empire with revenue of more than $3.5 billion and salespeople in dozens of countries. Mary Kay became renowned for an award system designed for women, including mink coats, diamond rings and pink Cadillacs.

  • On Sept. 17, 1976, NASA publicly unveils its first space shuttle, the Enterprise, during a ceremony in California. In 1977, the Enterprise became the first space shuttle to fly freely when it was lifted to a height of 25,000 feet by a Boeing 747 airplane and then released, gliding back to Edwards Air Force Base on its own accord.

  • On Sept. 18, 1981, the 20,000-car parking lot at Canada's West Edmonton Mall makes the Guinness World Records as the largest parking lot in the world. However, Dubai was said at the time to be building a 40,000-space parking lot at their mall, but it only has 14,500 slots today.

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