More Weird Trivia

  • Donkey Kong got his name because his creator believed “donkey” meant “stupid” in English and wanted to convey the impression that the character was a “Stupid Ape.”

  • More than 1/5 of all the calories consumed by humans worldwide is provided by rice alone.

  • People can have a psychological disorder called Boanthropy that makes them believe that they are a cow. They try to live their life as a cow.

  • The name for the shape of Pringles is called a “Hyperbolic Paraboloid.”

  • There is a McDonald’s in every continent except Antarctica.

  • Mr Potato Head was the first toy to be advertised on TV.

  • A duel between three people is actually called a truel.

  • The stage before frostbite is called “frostnip.”

  • The two tiny holes in every BIC pen ensure that the air pressure is the same both inside and outside the pen, which helps the ink flow to the tip.

  • In South Korea, there is an emergency number (113) to report spies.

  • Japan is facing a ninja shortage. There is a high demand for “ninja shows,” but it is a dying tradition, and companies have trouble finding properly trained ninjas.

  • The process by which bread toasts is called the “Maillard Reaction.”

  • “Weird Al” Yankovic wrote “Albuquerque” to be as a joke specifically to “annoy people for 12 minutes.” It ended up becoming one of his most popular songs.

  • Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi was not a man in a suit; it was actually a giant puppet.


Co-op Kid's Korner, Apr 28


Donna's Day: Handprint Bloom Card