Premier Moe makes stops in Kindersley and Kerrobert on west central tour

By Joan Janzen

The communities of Kindersley and Kerrobert were pleased to have Premier Scott Moe come to town for a tour of their local facilities. On Tuesday morning, September 10th, the Premier began his day at Motherwell Beach before heading to the Kindersley Aquatic Centre and the West Central Events Centre.

L-R: Premier Scott Moe, Ken Francis (MLA Kindersley), Kim Gartner (SaskParty candidate for new Kindersley-Biggar riding), Rod Perkins (Mayor of Kindersley) PHOTO BY KATE WINQUIST

“Everything looks good and busy here,” Premier Moe said regarding the visit to Kindersley. “This is nice to help attract young families.”

The next stop was at Kerrobert, where the Premier and others enjoyed lunch at Bold Raven Restaurant before enjoying a tour of the Kerrobert Courthouse. He took note of the agriculture, energy and oil industries in the Kerrobert area. “I hope that we have a strong outlook for both. Kerrobert is indicative of so many communities that drive the economy in our province,” he observed.

The Premier enjoyed a leisurely tour of the museum, library, town office and art gallery before venturing on to the community of Macklin. The Premier would eventually arrive at Lloydminster for the Heavy Oil Show being held from September 11th to 12th.

“We do this every summer,” he said, referring to the tour of Saskatchewan communities. He believes leaders and politicians should take the time to visit communities and talk to leaders of municipalities and organizations. He said that community organizations contribute to a stronger community, making a better province and nation. “These are the good times when we get to go out, observe and listen.”

The Premier and his team had been to Biggar the previous day, where they announced the expansion of the Farmer in The Del program. “It is a farm-based group home for those living with physical and/or mental disabilities,” the Premier explained. “We are honoured to be a part of the organization. These organizations are only possible through the strength of our growing and vibrant economy.”


Main Street blaze Wednesday afternoon


Co-op Kid's Korner, September 12