Remembrance Day Trivia

1. What kind of flowers do Canadians wear every November 11 to remember those who died during wartime?

2. What is the name of the poem Canadians recite or read on Remembrance Day?

3. What form of Canadian currency has not been embellished with a Remembrance Day poppy?

4. The Second World War officially began on September 1, 1939. When did Canada declare war against Germany?

5. How many Canadian women served in the military during the Second World War?

6. Canada’s navy was massive by the end of the Second World War. How did it rank in size compared to the other allied countries?

7. The Scheldt Battle is infamous for what?

8. Where is the Canadian National Vimy Memorial located?

9. How many Indigenous Canadians are believed to have fought in the First World War?

10. Molly Lamb Bobak was an important figure in the Second World War. Who was she?


1. Poppies, 2. In Flanders Fields, 3. Nickel, 4. Sept 10, 1939, 5. 50,000, 6. 3rd largest, 7. Extremely poor geographical conditions, 8. France, 9. 4,000, 10. An artist


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Kindersley Legion Remembrance Day Service