Strange But True: Beethoven coffee

By Lucie Winborne

  • Beethoven went out of his way to ensure his morning coffee was made with exactly 60 beans per cup.

  • In the hit film "Back to the Future," the time machine was originally an old fridge. According to HuffPost, "Ultimately, it was determined that it probably was not a good idea to use a refrigerator in such a manner as kids might want to reenact the scene."

  • Up until the beginning of the 19th century, models were not used to showcase clothes. Fashion companies would use dolls instead.

  • Pentheraphobia is the intense and disproportionate fear of your mother-in-law.

  • To ensure Queen Elizabeth II received her food on time, clocks in the royal kitchen at Windsor Castle were set five minutes ahead.

  • While they might look the same, Jenga blocks have subtle differences in dimensions to make their construction less stable. Each brick is a different size and weight, so no two games are alike.

  • As a souvenir from his trip to the Middle East, French author Gustave Flaubert brought home a mummy's foot and kept it on his working desk.

  • Herrings communicate through farts.

  • In 1916, Adeline and Augusta Van Buren became the first women to travel across the country on two solo motorcycles. They made it despite frequently being arrested for the "crime" of wearing pants.

  • Galileo's middle finger is on display at the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy.

  • In 2009, a team of scientists searched Scotland's Loch Ness for evidence of Nessie. While the fabled monster remained elusive, they at least recovered more than 100,000 golf balls.

Thought for the Day: "Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." -- Samuel Ullman

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