Strange But True: Chelidon

By Lucie Winborne

  • Because we know you've always secretly wondered, that depression on the flexure of your arm is called a chelidon.

  • In 1992, Saab created a prototype vehicle called Prometheus that featured a joystick in place of a steering wheel. While it increased safety and space, it also proved more tiring and challenging to use, and the car never made it to production.

  • A one-eyed yellowtail rockfish at the Vancouver Aquarium was given a prosthetic eye by the facility's head veterinarian after being bullied by its fellow fish on its blind side.

  • Here's an incentive to keep up your hygiene: When scientists examined the genetic makeup of bacteria in navel lint from 60 volunteers, one notable subject who hadn't washed for several years was found to host two species of extremophile bacteria that typically thrive in ice caps and thermal vents!

  • The modern high jump technique was created by Dick Fosbury and dubbed the Fosbury Flop.

  • Dooley Wilson, who played Sam at Rick's Cafe Americain in "Casablanca," was an experienced musician and bandleader, but a drummer, not a pianist. He mimed his piano performance, and "As Time Goes By" was dubbed in later.

  • A linguistic study revealed that winter workers in Antarctica began to develop a new accent as a result of being isolated together for several months.

  • Sharks have existed on Earth for roughly 50 million years longer than trees.

  • John Joseph Merlin, often credited with inventing roller skates, debuted them at a 1760's masquerade in London by rolling into a room as he played the violin ... then crashing head-on into a quite expensive mirror.


Thought for the Day: "The history of Western science confirms the aphorism that the great menace to progress is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge." -- Daniel J. Boorstin

(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.


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