Strange But True: Chloroform

By Lucie Winborne

  • If you want to become a police officer in Norway, you'll need a B.A. from the Police University College. The program includes theoretical studies in criminal law, ethics and social sciences, plus a year of practical field training.

  • Chloroform was once used in the treatment of asthma, cholera and gonorrhea, not to mention as a sweetener in medicines.

  • Folks around the world really do love their soda -- to the tune of about 6,700 cans per second, or enough to wrap around the earth every 17 hours. Be sure to recycle!

  • International animal rights organization PETA asked musical duo the Pet Shop Boys to change their name to Rescue Shelter Boys. (Obviously, they refused.)

  • During a Bulls vs. Jazz game in 1987, after basketball legend Michael Jordan dunked over John Stockton, a 6 foot, 1 inch guard, an upset fan yelled at him to "pick on someone your own size." In response, Jordan next dunked over the 6 foot, 11 inch Mel Turpin, turned to his heckler, and asked, "Was he big enough?"

  • Slave ants capture ants from other colonies to increase their workforce.

  • If you measure it in terms of rainfall, a hurricane releases the force of 10,000 atomic bombs over an area about 413 miles wide.

  • The prevalence of syphilis in the 19th century led to a sharp increase in demand for sunglasses, as the disease causes intense sensitivity to light if left untreated.

  • Thousands of years ago, keys were made from wood.

  • During the "I smell a rat" scene in the Martin Scorsese flick "The Departed," Jack Nicholson decided things didn't feel quite intense enough, so he improvised by pulling a real gun on co-star Leonardo DiCaprio.

Thought for the Day: "I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse." -- Florence Nightingale

(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.


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