Strange But True: Human Eye Camera

By Lucie Winborne

  • That straight-line rise of bubbles in your holiday champagne glass is due to the soap-like compounds called surfactants that not only give the beverage its signature bubble chain, but also contribute to its unique flavor.

  • If the human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels.

  • In 1994, a 75-pound bag of cocaine fell out of a plane and landed in the middle of a Florida crime watch meeting.

  • Karl Josef Silberbauer, the SS officer who arrested Anne Frank and those in hiding with her during WWII, later bought a copy of Anne's published diary to see if he was mentioned in it.

  • Alcohol kills one person every 10 seconds worldwide.

  • Sand from the Sahara Desert, which contains phosphorus, is blown by the wind all the way to the Amazon rainforest, where it replaces the phosphorus annually washed away by rains and floods.

  • While in prison in 1924, Adolf Hitler wrote to a Mercedes dealership in Munich to beg for a car loan for a limousine he admired, until his royalties for "Mein Kampf" came in.

  • Chimpanzees can develop their own fashion trends.

  • Christmas ham, originally a pagan tradition, was endorsed by the Catholic Church as a test of truthful conversion from Judaism.

  • Actor Al Pacino was the first "face" on Facebook.

  • Death penalty trials are 20 times more expensive than those seeking a sentence of life imprisonment without parole.

  • Doritos originated from the leftover tortillas at Disneyland.

  • English phrases such as "long time no see," "no go" and "no can do" come from literal translations of Chinese phrases.

  • In Japanese mythology, Namazu is a giant catfish that causes earthquakes.

Thought for the Day: "Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence." -- Ted Key

(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.


Moments in Time: Donkeys in Jail


Flashback: Heartless and Cruel