Strange But True: Supreme Court Basketball

By Lucie Winborne

  • “Americanha” is a word used by Nigerians to refer to folks who visit the U.S. and then put on American airs when they return.

  • The Supreme Court has its own private basketball court.

  • You thought it was hard to get into Harvard University? Try getting hired by Walmart! The former institution’s admittance rate of 4.5% still beats that of the store chain, which has an employee acceptance rate of just 2.6%.

  • Lake Superior State University in Michigan offers a unicorn hunting license.

  • An art collector once paid $10,000 for a “non-visible” sculpture created by actor James Franco. What did she get for her moolah? Well, since the artwork was billed as an “endless tank of oxygen,” we’d say ... air, which most of us can find a lot cheaper.

  • And speaking of frugality -a man wore 60 shirts and nine pairs of jeans on an 11.5-hour flight from China to Africa because he didn’t want to pay the extra baggage fee.

  • Cows moo with regional accents.

  • The town of Dorset, Minnesota, elects a new mayor every two years by drawing names from a hat, and in 2015, that honor went to 3-year-old Robert Tufts. His laudable motto: “Being nice and no poopy talk.”

  • According to a 2014 study published by the Los Angeles Times, one in nine Americans, or 11% of the population, thinks HTML is actually a disease.

  • Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service once hacked an al-Qaida website and replaced bomb instructions with a cupcake recipe.


Thought for the Day: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” -Rachel Carson


Cartoon: Three Inch Grass


Salome's Stars: Jul 28