The Klarenbach Report, Nov 27

Governments restrict freedoms. Central Banks are destroying our standard of living. Fiat currencies are inflationary.

Have you heard this narrative before?

Readers of the previous three columns will remember my weekend with Capital Alternatives, Canada’s largest Ponzi scheme, promoting high-yield returns and the conspiracy-theorist nature of the participants. The Capital Alternative representatives effectively promoted and shared their solutions to the aforementioned libertarian views on governments, Central Banks and fiat currencies to an approving audience lapping up the narrative.

The writing of Sherman Scholnick, Jeff Rense and the late-night Coast to Coast with Art Bell Show listened to while truck driving prepared me for the libertarian viewpoints shared by the presenters.

Judging by the reactions of the other participants, the liberation ideology was well represented.

Images of the Ron Burgundy-esk gentleman nodding his head in approval, big fat, heavy pen in hand, are forever imprinted in my memory. Why?......

Coast to Coast with Art Bell was an entertaining show, and please, do not assume that my listening subscribes to the face on the moon theory and numerous pseudoscience content. I was a late-night driver, and the Coast to Coast show from the High Desert and the Great American Southwest kept this truck driver alert and between the ditches. Art would often step outside for fresh air during a break. One break was longer than normal as Art’s first step outside was met with nothing but air as he forgot the front step was removed for repairs. Several minutes passed before Art recovered from the fall and returned to the air, which I find disturbingly amusing. The viewpoints that governments restrict freedoms, Central Banks are destroying our standard of living, and inflationary fiat currencies have been circulated for decades and perhaps centuries. A quick review of social media revealed that several of the - for lack of a better term - doomsday callers continue to be active twenty years later. It is an active space, as negative headlines are effective clickbait, suggesting some knowledge and foresight worth reading.

How many of the Ponzi scheme participants have the same viewpoints and are focusing time on the subject twenty years later? Or have they expanded their knowledge of the role of governments and central banks and the causes of inflation?

In the coming weeks, I will share more of this experience, what I learned and why it did not pass my BS detector.

In the meantime:

Trust your intuition.

Spend your time wisely.

Trent Klarenbach, BSA AgEc, publishes the Klarenbach Grain Report and the Klarenbach Special Crops Report, which can be read at


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