Trivia Test: Largest desert in Africa

By Fifi Rodriguez

1. TELEVISION: Which "Star Wars" character did Tina Fey dress as in the sitcom "30 Rock" to avoid jury duty?

2. GEOGRAPHY: What is the largest desert in Africa?

3. HISTORY: Who was the first American to win a Nobel Prize?

4. ANATOMY: Where in the body is blood produced?

5. MOVIES: Which movie features a theme song titled "Dueling Banjos"?

6. U.S. STATES: Which state was the first to make same-sex marriage legal?

7. SCIENCE: Where did the first manned spacecraft land on the moon?

8. LITERATURE: Which 20th-century Southern novel features a character named Frankie Addams?

9. MUSIC: What is the first movie that featured the singer Elvis?

10. AD SLOGANS: Which company's slogan once was  "At the corner of happy and healthy"?


1. Princess Leia

2. The Sahara

3. President Theodore Roosevelt, Peace Prize

4. Bone marrow

5. "Deliverance"

6. Massachusetts

7. Sea of Tranquility

8. "The Member of the Wedding"

9. "Love Me Tender," 1956

10. Walgreens

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