Trivia Test: The Sun's Light

By Fifi Rodriguez

1. LITERATURE: What is Dorothy's last name in "The Wizard of Oz"?

2. GEOGRAPHY: Which U.S. states share a border with Mexico?

3. MOVIES: What are Indiana Jones and his father searching for in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"?

4. TELEVISION: Which TV dramedy is set on Wisteria Lane?

5. LANGUAGE: What is a common Latin phrase meaning "something for something"?

6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the fastest fish?

7. INVENTIONS: Where was the first compass invented?

8. SCIENCE: How long does it take for the sun's light to reach Earth?

9. U.S. STATES: Which state is the smallest in land size?

10. MEDICAL: What is a common name for aphthous stomatitis?


1. Gale.

2. Four: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

3. The Holy Grail.

4. "Desperate Housewives."

5. Quid pro quo.

6. Sailfish.

7. China.

8. Eight minutes.

9. Rhode Island.

10. Canker sore.

(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.


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