Trivia Test: What is the capital of Sweden?

By Fifi Rodriguez

1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of Sweden?

2. HISTORY: What was the whole name of the nation once called U.S.S.R.?

3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: When did July 4 become a federal holiday?

4. FOOD & DRINK: Which fruit is used to make the cocktail mixer grenadine?

5. U.S. STATES: In which state is Niagara Falls located?

6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which is the only mammal that can fly?

7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which two presidents died within hours of each other on July 4 -the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence?

8. TELEVISION: What was Beaver's real first name on the "Leave It to Beaver" sitcom?

9. LITERATURE: Which 1977 horror novel features a hotel called The Overlook?

10. MOVIES: Which 1967 movie tagline is, "They're young ... they're in love ... and they kill people"?


1. Stockholm

2. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

3. 1870

4. Pomegranate

5. New York

6. Bats

7. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

8. Theodore

9. "The Shining"

10. "Bonnie and Clyde"

(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.


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