Trivia Test: Which state's motto is "Eureka"?

By Fifi Rodriguez

1. GEOGRAPHY: Which country owns the Canary Islands?

2. MOVIES: Which movie features the song "Moon River"?

3. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase "non ducor, duco" mean in English?

4. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of ducks called?

5. LITERATURE: Which 20th-century novel features a character called Sethe?

6. TELEVISION: What drive-in diner is featured in the 1970s TV sitcom "Happy Days"?

7. MUSIC: When did Lynyrd Skynyrd's anthem "Sweet Home Alabama" chart in the Top 10?

8. U.S. STATES: Which state's motto is "Eureka"?

9. HISTORY: When did Wyoming give women the right to vote, hold public office and own property?

10. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president had an estate called The Hermitage?


1. Spain

2. "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

3. "I am not led, I lead"

4. A raft

5. "Beloved"

6. Arnold's

7. 1974

8. California

9. 1869

10. Andrew Jackson

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