TENDER FOR RENT R.M. of Progress No. 351
Tenders will be accepted on the following parcels of land located in the R.M. of Progress No. 351, approximately 13 miles North of Kerrobert, SK:
NW 24-36-23 W3rd (municipal assessment - $232,500.00)
SW 24-36-23 W3rd (municipal assessment - $269,100.00)
SE 24-36-23 W3rd (municipal assessment - $247,400.00)
450 cultivated acres. No lentils or peas ever grown on this land. Tenders will be accepted on any or all parcels. Tenders will be received by the undersigned on or before 12:00 o’clock noon on WEDNESDAY, THE 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2024. More information available upon request. Not necessarily the highest or any tender accepted.
Solicitor for Lyall and Gloria Knorr
Telephone: 306-228-2631
Fax: 306-228-4449
Email: unityoffice@cooperneil.ca
P.O. Box 600
Unity, SK S0K 4L0