Winnifred Mary Cannon (Woods), October 9th, 1926 – April 20th, 2020


Winnie Cannon passed away on April 20, 2020 at Kindersley Hospital. She was loved and cared for by her children and grandchildren through her final days reflecting the love and care she had shown her family throughout her life.

Winnie was born on October 9, 1926 and raised on a farm near LeRoy, Saskatchewan with her father Richard (Dick) Woods, mother Francis Woods (nee McKay) and four brothers George, Frank, Robert (Bob) and Mervin (Merv). She also had a brother, Douglas, who passed as an infant. As with many folks her age, the depression and Dirty 30’s was a defining time in her life, and she grew to appreciate the value of close family and education.

Winnie attended Newnham School from grades one to ten graduating after attending Leroy High School in grades eleven and twelve. She enrolled in Nursing at City Hospital in Saskatoon and graduated as an RN in 1948. She worked at City Hospital for a year after graduation before moving to Kindersley to work at Kindersley Union Hospital. It was shortly after her move to Kindersley that she met our father Malcolm (Mac) Cannon.

Mac farmed in the Kindersley area and the two met at one of many community dances held in the area every Saturday night. After just a few weeks of dating they knew they were in love and that marriage was in their future. They married on October 17, 1950 and moved to the Cannon family farm in the Avon Hill/Sagebrush district. Children soon followed with Lorne then Janice, Richard (Rick), Allan and Gordon over the next 10 years, followed a decade later by Ronald (Ron) who kept Mac and Winnie young and active in the community.

Winnie was an accomplished and spirited athlete who loved sports- not surprising growing up in a home with four athletic and competitive brothers. She played softball and other sports and was part of the Beadle community team after marriage until raising a growing family took precedent. Mom and Dad were members of the bowling league in Kindersley for almost 30 years. As her children grew and became involved in sports she was an avid supporter who spent many hours at the rink, gym, or the ball diamond cheering on her family; batted numerous ground balls and flyballs to her sons in the farmyard; not to mention many hours on the road traveling to see her children and then her grandchildren compete. She was the ultimate supporter who made you feel like you were the best no matter how the game went. You knew when Mom was in the stands you had the ultimate supporter, or the ultimate Momma Bear, should someone cross you on the ice/field or an opposing fan need to be corrected.

Mom was predeceased by her husband Malcom in 1989, her son Rick (Nancy Yeo) in 1997 and brothers Douglas, Bob, Frank, and Merv. She is survived by her brother George who lives in Chilliwack, BC and by her sister-in law, Sandi Woods (whom she always called the sister she never had); by her children: Lorne (Anne) their three children and four grandchildren; Janice Shahsavar (Mac) their two children; Allan (Debbie) their three children and four grandchildren; Gordon (Joanne) their two children: and Ron (Cora) their three children; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Family was everything to Winnie and she was thankful for her marriage to a wonderful man and to have raised five sons and a daughter to be successful and productive citizens. She loved being around family gatherings, watching family members sports events, and visits with her grandchildren (13) and great grandchildren (8) or later when less able to attend in person connecting with them or following their activities on Facebook.

In her later years, Mom would reminisce about the days when she met Dad and how much they enjoyed going to local dances every weekend and dancing the night away. After his passing she would talk about how much she missed those days and enjoyed watching couples dance on Saturday nights on a local community TV channel. I think she missed him most then. As much as we all miss you, we know that all the trials and pain of arthritis and cancer are gone… and you are with your Saviour and can dance once again with the love of your life. Dance, Mom, Dance!

A memorial service is to be determined at a later date.


In Loving memory of Arlene Chynoweth, who passed away at the age of 89 years


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