Pop 89: A Thrill of Hope
I’ve been in Kelowna for a week and a half and am just now finding my rhythm. It’s hard to develop a routine when every day is rife with significant change.
Check It Out: Passing on the light of Christmas
Quite a few years ago, people from across Canada shared their Christmas memories in Country Woman magazine. One person remembers their Christmas tree adorned with tiny candles.
Paul Harvey’s Christmas wish for growing up
A famous broadcaster from the past once relayed this riddle to his listeners. Paul Harvey claimed 80% of Kindergarten kids were able to answer the riddle correctly…
Editorial Cartoon: Couple of drinks
Are you sure you’re okay to drive, Mr. Fendle? You’ve had more than a couple of drinks, you know… !
Slow down and take time with your families and remember why we celebrate
I read this article the other week and wanted to share with those who will read this.
Stir our hearts LORD
I was reading the Book of Ezra (in the Bible) and, as is often the case, there was something that caught my attention. The more I read the more my heart was ‘stirred’.
Christmas 2023 Pastoral Reflection
“Peace on earth, and goodwill to all.” We read it on cards, see it in TV spots, and hear it echoing in many songs. It originated with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his 1863 poem…
Kindersley Christian Fellowship Christmas Message
The Christmas season in our western culture places a great deal of emphasis on giving gifts. The entire completed process requires much time, energy, shopping, wrapping and resources.
The Man and the Birds Christmas Story
Paul Harvey’s radio program reached as many as 24 million people each and every week from 1951 to 2008. One of his favourite stories was about a man and the birds…
The Hope of Christmas
For so many of us, Christmas is a time to gather as a family and make memories together. While we wish that things could remain the same, we know that with the passage of time change inevitably comes.
Pop 89: Tis the Season of Noticing
A tall woman in a bright red dress was singing in the foyer as I stepped out of the elevator. The violinist accompanying her leaned into his instrument.
Check It Out: The best gift you can give your child
A grandparent watched her grandson’s nativity play. As the third wise man, he marched up to the manger with his gift of frankincense and bellowed: “Frank sent this!”
Editorial Cartoon: National Broadcaster
Ah, splendid! Salvation flings forth in these dreadfully choppy seas!
Pop 89: Where Are You Headed?
We both slide onto our bar stools at the same moment and order an IPA on tap. Mine arrives first. I sip and smile to myself.
Check It Out: The definition of irony
The definition of irony is - a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects.
Hospitality during the Holiday season
The following devotional was submitted by one of our subscribers who wishes to remain anonymous, and allow the Biblical message to speak for itself.