Pop 89: That Came Out of Me?
Every year around this time, I teach writing to teens. Initially, we met in person, in a room at the Swift Current library, but now we meet online.
Letter: The power of the wind with the help of O&G!
It takes more than just wind to make giant land pixies work. Granted, it will create jobs that have a revolving door as climbing 2-3 of these a day on a shift is hard on the body…
Check It Out: Why a true story receives media criticism
Someone speculated the tenth movie in the Fast and Furious franchise might be called “Fas-ten (Fast 10) your seatbelts”.
Growing Through Grief: Acknowledgement
When we lose our special someone we start out in just plain disbelief and absolute shock. It is hard to describe the pain and yet anyone who has lost someone special knows it.
Check It Out: Guard against apathy
I read somewhere that a politician is a person who will lay down your life for their country. It’s meant to be funny, but it may be why Franco Terrazzano…
Pop 89: Revery
You may recognize this poem by Emily Dickinson. I have long been tickled by it. And yet, the more I think about it, the more I realize that revery arises because of bees and prairies and clover.
Pop 89: Longing & Belonging
Yesterday was the first day of summer. To celebrate, I ventured up Eagle Butte to gawk at the blooming cacti. There is nothing more exciting than spotting a clutch of pink and yellow flowers…
Check It Out: Movie with a mission to save kids
Here’s a superhero riddle for you. Q: What would you get if Batman and Robin were smashed by a steamroller? A: Flat man and Ribbon.
Pop 89: About That Soul You’ve Been Meaning to Restore…
I get up from my armchair and begin pulling my muses from the shelf. I know when I open the books, despite having been written years and years ago, their words are timeless.
Check It Out: Raising kids other people want to be around
Were you raised in the era when you had three TV channels, played in the dirt, ate bologna sandwiches, rode in the back of a pickup truck, drank from a hose, and said, sir and ma’am?
Check It Out: Driving home some basic ideas
The caveman said, “I bet I could use this stick to hit that rock into that hole.” That may have been the first primitive use of a driver, but how can ordinary Canadians “drive home some basic ideas”?
Pop 89: Lilac Carcass and Moon
Last night, on my walk along the Frenchman River, I encountered the two deer carcasses that have been disintegrating there since April.
Letter: Too Much Freedom?
There is an old saying that says, “Every time you point a finger at someone else, just remember there are three fingers pointing back at you.”
What Does Healthy Social Media Usage Look Like?
Young people today are increasingly eschewing meaningful friendships, intimate relationships, having a steady job, and being connected to a religion and a community…
Check It Out: Common sense - a resource found on the prairies
Canadians are known for being polite and apologetic. Which may be why there are t-shirts that say, “I’m sorry if I offended you with my common sense.”
Pop 89: Define: Home
Throughout history, we have used words against each other, dickering with aplomb to get away with murder. Or we don’t bother to define our terms…
Pop 89: Unwelcome Enlightenment
The first thing I do when someone I love is in pain is to “help”. I give advice. Share a pithy quote from a beloved author. Pass on information passed on from somebody else who is a supposed expert on the topic.
Check It Out: Children who grow up to be heroes
This story will make you smile. A general store was held up, and a brave cashier hit the guy with her labelling gun. The police are looking for the would-be robber and say there is now a price on the man’s head.
Check It Out: How does screen time affect kids?
A grandparent handed her grandson a book and explained, “It’s called reading. It’s how people install new software into their brain.”
Pop 89: Duly Noted
I have seven floor-to-ceiling bookshelves in my apartment. I try to keep them organized according to themes and subjects so that I don’t waste my day hunting for that great book…