Pop 89: Sloowww Down
Sometimes, it takes a catastrophe to slow us down. My brother had a stroke. Medical professionals refer to a stroke as an “event.”
Check It Out: Is freedom of expression no longer free?
A defence attorney told his client, “I have good news and bad news. First, the bad news. The blood test came back, and your DNA is an exact match with that found at the crime scene.”
MP Jeremy Patzer: Say NO to Justin Trudeau’s reckless regulations
The latest attack on the West from the Liberal Government is its recently released electricity regulations.
Growing Through Grief: Meaning and Inspiration
The loss of a very dear and close loved one can leave us feeling lost and like life has no meaning. After all, you have wrapped your life around them…
Pop 89: Pray Tell
Upon arriving at the cabin my sisters and I breath a sigh of relief. We are prepared to release the tensions and worries that have taken over our lives this year…
Check It Out: When policies are enforced by threats, sanctions and censorship
A doctor told a woman she only had six months to live. He advised her to marry a chemist and move to Toledo. The woman asked if this would cure her disease.
Letter: New beach beauty spot
Thank you sincerely to the city fathers of Kindersley for the treasure which you have opened up for us right on the edge of our town.
Pop 89: We Think We Know
In 1867-1914 the Canadian West was “open for settlement.” In the late 1890s, after MacDonald formed the NWMP, Clifford Sifton, minister for the interior…
Check It Out: Summer camps help kids
Someone defined summer camp as follows: when you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person. But for kids who attend various camps throughout the region, summer camp means…
Pop 89: The Universe is Enough
Yesterday, I tried to re-post this column on social media for friends to read. But, FB is no longer posting from “news sites.” In fact, it's rebranding itself as a portal to the so-called “metaverse” and renaming itself Meta.
Check It Out: Fines for selling garlic, but not hard drugs
The pharmacist asked, “You've got Vitamin B-12 and B-6; have you taken these vitamins previously?” The customer replied, “You mean like b-4?”
Letter: Thank you everyone!
Dear Editor, Reese was so thrilled to see her business in a recent issue of “Your West Central Voice” newspaper!
Check It Out: What’s happening “right under your nose”?
Someone once said, “It’s funny how things work out, isn’t it? I mean, it’s like dominoes - you touch one, and then the others start to go, and sometimes they fall in the right direction.”
Pop 89: Keepers of the Twinkle Zone
It’s a busy summer of celebration in our little village. It’s a summer of staying in the winkle zone, as I like to call it, when weddings, births, baby and bridal showers, and reunions…
Growing Through Grief: Power of Letting Go
Grief comes anytime we have to let go of something which will bring on a form of grief. If you think about it, life is always changing and therefore we are always letting some form of our lives go.
Check It Out: Affordable housing gives people hope
I read someone’s account of offering help to a stranger. While at a gas station, a man overheard a young woman tell two men to leave her alone.