Pop 89: I’m Counting On Grace
I miss our church and the odd little congregation that made it up. We’ve been closed for a while now. I can see the steeple from my back window.
Check It Out: Exchanging ideas determines truth
The sign said: “When one door closes, another one opens. Other than that, it’s a pretty good car.” Not only was it a witty sign for a used car dealership…
APAS calls on Senate to restore Bill C-234
The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) urgently appeals to the Honourable Senators of Canada to rectify the recent amendment to Bill C-234…
Growing Through Grief: Another Milestone
Today is the 26th of October. This is the day two years ago that I lost my husband, Blaine, to colon cancer. It was the saddest day of my entire life.
100-Year-Old Veteran Remembers the Fallen
I lost my right arm on October 18, 1944, while serving with the Loyal Edmonton Regiment in Italy. I was staked at a farmhouse that had a children’s treehouse located nearby.
Editorial Cartoon: Case of Denial
Worst case of denial I’ve ever seen. Most Canadians support me and want me to remain leader.
Pop 89: What if you told me a story?
What if, instead of arguing our points, asserting our opinions and finding flaws in each other’s world-views, we just just told each other our stories?
Check It Out: Can you be happy in a crazy world?
The sign said, “To the person who stole my antidepressants: I hope you’re happy now.” Spike Milligan, an Irish comedian, had this to say about happiness…
Pop 89: A Good Visitor
I just got an offer to upgrade my internet for “faster service.” How fast does it need to be? How much faster can life get before it blows a gasket?
Check It Out: Reports from within a nation
It may be old news by the time this goes to print, but nevertheless, it's important to look at the situation in Israel. They are known worldwide for offering…
Pop 89: Word-jackings
Dear Reader, not to worry, I am not about to preach once more on the crushing machinations of AI. Although I could go on about how it’s blinding wizardry offers…
Check It Out: The truth will always be revealed
Here’s a funny comment I read: “I had a happy childhood. My dad used to put me in tires and roll me down hills. Those were Goodyears.”
Letter: Journalists talking to locals
Good day, Kindersley news. I read with great interest the article written by Joan Janzen. It is about which journalists are talking to locals.