National Senior Safety Week Nov 6 to 12, 2023
The effects of aging vary from one person to the next. While some people experience significant limitations, others remain relatively active.
Performing with the Saskatchewan Honour Band
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Herner and Moira Padberg for performing with the Saskatchewan Honour Band. What a great musical experience!
Supporting Our Veterans Service Clubs
Premier Scott Moe and Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Laura Ross were in Moose Jaw Friday to announce that the Saskatchewan Veterans Service Club Support Program…
Ready to watch a movie at Eston’s Winter Kickoff
Amara Oliphant and Jane Hartsook get ready to watch the Mighty Ducks movie at Eston’s Winter Kickoff event on October 27.
Sask published map goes to 2nd edition
“Less than a year on the market, and our first print run of 2,000 units is fully exhausted,” says Alex McPhee, Lead Cartographer at Prairie Heart Maps.
Saskatchewan adds over 19,000 new jobs
According to the Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey released Friday, Saskatchewan's strong and resilient economy continues to grow, with 19,300 new jobs…
New Addictions Treatment Spaces Open In Saskatoon
Last Thursday, Mental Health and Addictions Minister Tim McLeod announced 18 new addictions treatment spaces, including eight for youth…
Province protects the right of workers to wear a poppy
Today the Government of Saskatchewan passed Bill 139 The Saskatchewan Remembrance Observance Act as a way to ensure that employees are able to wear a poppy…
Book: The Gnomes of Boundary Bog
It was the gorgeous cover that captivated me first, but the gnomes quickly drew me into their magical world.
Donation to the Prairieland Community Center
A huge thank you to the Prairieland Players for their generous donation to the Prairieland Community Center. Thanks Virginia and Shawna for stopping in.
Kerrobert Rebels stay alive
The Kerrobert Rebels stay alive for another week after winning against Eatonia in three sets to advance to Regional Playoffs…
Kindersley RCMP respond to 29 calls for service
The Kindersley RCMP conducted extra patrols on Halloween to ensure everyone had a safe and enjoyable evening.
Eston artist to do on-site painting
A professional artist calls Eston, Saskatchewan her home. “I live in small town in Saskatchewan where I can see the horizon for miles,” said Christine Code.
Caleb’s Halloween party
The most surprising characters showed up at Caleb’s Halloween party Friday afternoon. Nevertheless they all were very friendly with one another…
Residents in Kindersley outdid themselves this year with some great decorations. Happy Halloween!
Pop 89: I’m Counting On Grace
I miss our church and the odd little congregation that made it up. We’ve been closed for a while now. I can see the steeple from my back window.
Check It Out: Exchanging ideas determines truth
The sign said: “When one door closes, another one opens. Other than that, it’s a pretty good car.” Not only was it a witty sign for a used car dealership…
November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month
Alzheimer’s disease has no cure, but there are ways to delay its progression and maintain a good quality of life. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed…