Letter: CBC important to Canadian’s sense of who we are
While watching the ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landing of Canadian troops on Juno Beach, France, I was reminded how important…
Pop 89: Religion, Democracy & Other Fun Words
Most times, when delving into heady topics, I like to get clear on everyone’s terms. Recently, I was on a walk with a new acquaintance in Toronto…
Check It Out: Are Canadians funding gov't income redistribution?
Financial planning is generally not a humorous topic, but this anonymous quote might cause you to smile. “This is worse than a divorce. I've lost half my net worth, and I still have a wife.”
Thank you, Miss St. John
One of my favourite parts of my job since returning to West Central Saskatchewan four years ago is reacquainting myself with familiar names from the past.
Pop 89: The Pace of Grace
I have just returned to my home in rural Saskatchewan from Toronto, and the first thing I noticed was the silence. And then: the pace.
Murder capital of the world uses special formula to eradicate crime
This week, I’m starting off with a joke that serves quite well as an illustration but is not so great in the humour department.
Pop 89: Are You Willing?
Today, I'm returning from a quick train trip to Ottawa to visit my eldest sister, her husband and my nephew Dave. Antsy, after a five-hour train ride and eager to explore the city…
Check It Out: Fatherlessness is today's biggest problem
As we approach Father's Day, I will recount a humorous memory. We were visiting friends, when my son noticed an old photo on their fridge.
Growing Through Grief: Compassion
Lately I heard the phrase that empathy and sympathy are the near enemies of compassion. We can sometimes use these words interchangeably but in essence I have found…
Pop 89: Discovering Grace
Just before crossing the border into Michigan, we pass a billboard promising “Discoveries That Matter.” What matters to us is an encounter years in the planning…
Check It Out: Forgiveness can change the future
The T-shirt said, “It's been 'one of those days' for like 3 years now.” Sometimes it may feel that way; other times it's just 'one of those days'.
Letter: Rodeo edition gets high praise from CCA
Wow! What a great job on this special edition reflecting on the sport of Rodeo! Love the Fact Hats with the variety of hat styles.