Dedicated to the Leader Flyers of 1962

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Leader Flyers, the Team of the Year
Got suspended from the League last year,
Due to circumstances beyond their control
Found themselves in a Big Black Hole.
They are trying again in 62,
With new recruits, they do have a few.

Bozo our Manager got on the bit
And down to the Hat, he did flit.
When he returned, low and behold
We had Chuck back in our fold.
Now Chacalais had a yen
For a goal tender, namely King Ken.

Kenny Kuntz the greatest of all
Shows the boys he’s on the ball,
With sensational saves, the fans to intrigue
We know very well he‘ll make the National League.

We have our variations too
NEIL CLARY sports the pants of blue,
He’s always there with an encouraging word
And hopes we’ll come out better than third.

ALLAN MARSHALL who works for the town
Really knows how to mow them down,
He has the makings for a great star
Even enjoys playing cribbage in a car.

EDDIE FAUTH, the lad with potential
To our team is most essential,
He isn’t very big in size,
But never runs from the other guys.

RALPH SCHUMACKER the dressing room clown
Never lets the Flyers down,
He poked the waitress with his thumb
And then complained, “He was feeling bum”.

BIG PAULIE, our defence man too
Makes the opponents wonder how to get through
But when they do, KING KEN gets mad
And that makes PAULIE feel very bad.

Then up jumps ALEX and says, “Don’t fret”
“I’ll get that tying goal yet”
He hit a player unintentionally
It’s the Penalty Box unfortunately.

IVAN ANDREWS with plenty of speed
Scores a winning goal when in need,
He has the power and the go
That’s why we call him Ivanhoe.

On our team we have NICK STARK
Contributes all his zest and spark,
He follows Chuck like a hound,
But is always there for the Big Rebound.

Old BERT did play for the first part of the season
And then got cut for some unknown reason,
Back on defence he always was rough
And really showed up when the going got tough.

Our injuries causing us defeat
Made our team seem incomplete,
We needed a Centreman, “But Who”
The Manager even phoned Timbucktoo.
Everyone was feeling down and sick
Then Bozo said, “What about Flick”

Down to the Hat once again he did grind
When he returned he had Fleckenstein signed.
In the Wild Goose League now the Flyers can play,
Because the Monarchs weren’t able to scratch up the hay.

ALVIN MARSHALL our winger on the right
Playing hockey is his delight,
He digs those corners like a Pro
To get that puck out for Rugged Reno.

MERVIN MILLER who knew his stuff,
Thought the League would be quite rough
Although you see him with the Flyers yet
You never see him in the net.

The latest addition is OLD FLICK,
In a Volkswagen he rumbles up quick
On defence we all see his style
The opponents he nicely dumps into a pile.

CHARLIE NAGEL, our referee
Does his utmost as you can see,
‘Tis not his fault that we think he’s blind
But a better ref is hard to find.

A fellow who follows the Flyers about
Is BIG HAROLD, their good old Scout,
And with these words he made great fame,
“I’ll never go to another game.”
But yet he never misses one
What a faithful old son of a gun.

Your CHEERLEADERS will follow you
In a Pontiac or a Chevy too,
They’ll stick by you through thick and thin,
With a bottle of rye and one of gin,
One of their cheers I now shall quote
I think it’s one that BILLI wrote.

Coal oil, fuel oil, Anglo gas
We have the opponents by the _____
Don’t get excited, don’t get alarmed,
We have the opponents by the arm.

Five ardent fans composed this verse
Don’t laugh too hard, it could get worse,
About that of course we’ll never worry
As we wrote it in one H___ of a hurry.
Closing now with loads of luck
And hope that King Ken keeps smothering that puck.


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