Eston’s ‘Shake the Foundation’ Auction raises $117.722.00

By Adrienne Mason

The Eston AGT Community Centre is in the midst of a major renovation of its ice surfaces in both the skating and curling rink. This project is due to an aging ice plant and shifting concrete. The project is set to be completed before the 2021/22 opening. All projects of such a nature come at a great monetary expense. However, the community in the Eston area (and beyond) is not willing to let this get in the way.

The recreation committee has created a few different fundraisers in hopes to cover some of the cost, the most recent fundraiser being the Shake the Foundation Online Auction. The auction was held from April 10-17 on an online auction site. The support from the community completed exceeded the expectations of the recreation committee. Both in the way of items that were donated, as well as the money that came in from bids.

In total, there were 191 items donated. Items ranged from physical items such as yeti coolers, bikes, toys, barbeques, jewelry, art, baking, hotel stays, and more, to people donating their time and resources such as lawn care, combine work, a day on a pontoon boat, and young teens offering their babysitting services.

The bids came in like a flood. Bids from Eston, but also from surrounding communities such as Kindersley, Elrose, Rosetown, Swift Current, Saskatoon, and even from out of Saskatchewan. By the end of the first day, the bids totalled over $44,000.

On April 17, the bids closed and the auction raised a total of $117,722.

Erin Simpson, the current interim Recreation Director for the Town of Eston/R.M. of Snipe Lake was blown away by the outpouring of support from the community. Simpson mentioned that the recreation committee had originally sent out letters and messages calling for donations, but once word got around that this auction was happening, people were going out of their way calling her and other committee members offering donations. On behalf of the recreation committee, Simpson would like to give ‘Big Thank-you’! The support was heartwarming.

As the project is still underway, there is still other fundraising to be done. The public can purchase squares for $150/$300 that will be put on a sign and hung inside the AGT Community Centre. At the time of writing, the sign square fundraiser (along with a few other donations) has raised $50,088.

Simpson mentioned that this was a great virtual event. If the pandemic allows, the committee would like to have an in-person event in the future, as there is still more fundraising to be done.

If you would like to donate to the Shake the Foundation project, you may purchase sign squares on the Town of Eston website at or call the Town of Eston Office at 306-962-4444.


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