Elizabeth School Grade 6 students visit field of Honour

By Joan Janzen

The Grade 6 students at Elizabeth Middle School recently paid a visit to the Kindersley Cemetery on October 8th, where they looked at the headstones of veterans. Their teacher, Maureen Dobbin divided the visit into three parts for her students.

Upon arrival, the students were given the opportunity to wander around the cemetery and explore. After that, they each selected headstones from the Field of Honour and recorded the details etched on the headstones. “We will use this information to do some research next week,” Maureen said, as the students continue to gain knowledge about this important part of their history.

Finally, the students did some crayon rubbings of the headstones. The students’ explorations, recording of details and crayon rubbings, all helped the students understand the price veterans paid for our country.

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