Kindersley Kobras win Junior Basketball Districts on home court

The West Central Junior Girls Basketball District championships were held on Feb. 16 in Kindersley. Thank you Aida Gossa and Kindersley Composite school for hosting this year’s event. The teams competing were:

  • Kindersley Composite School

  • Elizabeth Middle School

  • Kenaston School

  • Rosetown Central High School

Game #1 - Kindersley vs Rosetown

Kindersley defeated Rosetown 53-31.

Top scorers for KCS were Emma Torrens (20) and Ayla Stevens (25)

Top scorers for Rosetown were Aralyn McPhee (6) and Rayna James (8)

Game #2 - Kenaston vs Elizabeth

Kenaston defeated Elizabeth Middle 45-15.

Top scorers for Kenaston were Robyn Millsap (13) and Bekah Boat (10).

Top scorers for Elizabeth were Nevaya Bitz (6) and Brynn Torrens (4).

Game #3 - BRONZE Rosetown vs Elizabeth

Rosetown defeated Elizabeth 55-14.

Top scorers for Rosetown were Brynn Wilson (11) and Rayna James (12).

Top scorers for Elizabeth were Brynn Torrens (4) and Payton Graham (4).

Game #4 - GOLD Kindersley vs Kenaston

Kindersley defeated Kenaston 61-18.

Top scorers for KCS were Emma Torrens (23) and Ayla Stevens (19)

Top scorers for Kenaston were Robyn Millsap (6) and Kailynn Lowrey (4).

PHOTO: Back row from L to R- Ms. Aida Gossa (coach), Cassidy Veldhoen, Sierra Carfantan, Sloan Clark, Ayla Stevens, Mica Tenorio, Irish DeGuzman

Front row from L to R- Kyla Sacla, Taytem Beckman, Claire Elliott, Emma Torrens


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Courthouse restorations to begin this spring