Perks of attending a small rural school

Secretary, Rossville School - Coleville

One of the best things about your children attending a small school like Rossville, is knowing that when they enter those doors there are people there that truly care for them. They are safe. I hope parents feel this way about all schools, but I know it’s especially apparent in a small community school. They are not just a name, they are not just a number. They have a story, and the staff have the time to get to know that story. The staff have the time to get to know the families. They have the time to discover what a student needs to be successful.

Communication is important in any classroom between the parent and teacher. It’s easy to build relationships with your parents when you have a small class size. When you build these relationships it allows for open, honest dialogue. It’s beneficial for everybody when the parents can send a quick message if a child has a had a rough morning, or if something is going on at home that the school needs to be aware of. The more communication between parents and teachers, the more chance there is for a student to be successful.

Academically, there is no better school than a small school! Any services offered within Sunwest are available at all schools. The amount of one on one-time students receive is unparalleled compared to a large school. Also, the one to one technology we enjoy here at Rossville is extremely valuable to our students. Small community schools have many advantages, we are so grateful for our community school out here in Coleville!

Students at Rossville School in Coleville show off their team effort.


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