Kindersley Wildlife Federation hands out awards

The Kindersley Wildlife Federation held a barbecue and award presentation on Sunday, May 15, at the KWF Gun Range.

Plaques were awarded for the following:

Junior Men's Velvet Typical Mule Deer (121 6/8) - Aiden McGrath

Junior Men's Typical Whitetail (128 7/8) - Aiden McGrath

Junior Ladies Typical Whitetail (141 3/8) - McKenzie Mann

Junior Ladies Black Bear (19 7/16) - Tia Mann

Ladies Typical Whitetail (122 5/8) - Alyssa Reiss

Men's Archery Typical Whitetail (141 4/8) - Layne Wall

Men's Archery Typical Mule Deer (169 4/8) - Chris Renaud

Men's Archery Non-Typical Mule Deer (172 5/8) - Jarret Johnson

Men's Non-Typical Whitetail (164 1/8) - Leon McKnight

Men's Rifle Typical Whitetail (160 6/8) - Jermey Mann

Men's Muzzleloader Non-Typical (190 1/8) - Jarret Johnson

Men's Moose (165 0/8) - Tim Johnson

Top Northern Pike (18 lbs 11 oz) - Layne Wall

Top Rainbow Trout (1 lb 12 oz) - Deb Schopff

Top Canada Goose (11 lbs 2 oz) - Dillon Richardson

Top Big Game: Non-Typical White Tail (190 1/8) - Jarret Johnson

Photos by Kate Winquist

Aiden McGrath

Dillon Richardson

Chris Renaud


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