RCMP Bike Rodeo a Success

The Kindersley RCMP would like to thank The Town of Kindersley, Co-op, Supreme Source for Sports, the Ministry of Environment Conservation Office and the Kindersley Fire Department for letting us be a part of the Bike Rodeo this past Saturday. This was a well-attended event and an excellent opportunity for kids in the community to take part in several bike safety drills and have their bikes inspected for the upcoming biking season.

‘I would say that at one point there was approximately 50 to 60 kids participating in this event.’ stated Staff Sergeant Kevin Peterson. ‘This would not have been the success it was without all of the community partners coming together for this event. All the kids I saw participating had a lot of fun and learned some valuable safety tips along the way.’ Peterson went on to say.

Several people also took advantage of the newly released bike theft prevention program, Project 529, at the rodeo. Project 529 aims to prevent the theft of bikes in our community and also help return your bike if it does end up lost or stolen. The Town of Kindersley and RCMP would like to remind the public that you can register your bike anytime at: https://project529.com/garage/organizations/townofkindersley/landing and if you have any questions about the program to call the Town of Kindersley or the Kindersley RCMP.



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