Leader & District Arts Council presents MOTUS O Prisoner of Tehran February 16th

By Mallory Cawthra

MOTUS O Prisoner of Tehran is a synthesis of theatre, video, and storytelling. The live performance is based on the international bestselling memoir, “Prisoner of Tehran” by Iranian-born Marina Nemat. The Leader Community Centre will be showcasing this performance, presented by the Leader & District Arts Council in partnership with the Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils (OSAC), on Wednesday, February 16th, starting at 7:30 p.m.

Marina Nemat actively narrates her memoir throughout the live performance, while MOTUS O performers simultaneously incorporate movement to complement her spoken words. The performance is inspiring, powerful and engaging. The themes of oppression, persecution, survival, hope and freedom are explored throughout the show.

Marina Nemat was arrested in 1982 at the age of sixteen after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, and spent more than two years as a political prisoner at the notorious Evin prison in Tehran, Iran. She was tortured and nearly executed there, but her life was spared because one of the guards begged for her life: in return she was forced to marry him. She emigrated to Canada in 1991, which she has called home ever since. “Prisoner of Tehran” was published in 2007 in Canada and has been published in twenty-eight other countries.

MOTUS O is a contemporary dance theatre company based in Stouffville, Ontario, and was formed in 1990, with performances commencing the same year. The Name “MOTUS O” is Latin for “the method of movement.” MOTUS O has created numerous full-length productions and conducted workshops and programs for a wide range of audiences, as well as travelled extensively throughout North America, Europe and the South Seas. MOTUS O Prisoner of Tehran has been performed for over 10,000 high school students across much of Canada.

Post-show there will be a thirty-minute Question and Answer period with the performers. Advance tickets can be purchased through the Town of Leader office or at eventbrite.ca for $30 (age sixteen and over), $5 (age sixteen and under), or $40 at the door. All current COVID-19 government guidelines will be followed.

In addition, Leader Library hosted a special standalone Kaleidoscope Book Club Discussion, featuring the “Prisoner of Tehran” on Thursday, February 10th at 7:30 p.m.


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