Local Kin Club gets ready for Telemiracle

By Joan Janzen

Telemiracle 46 is coming up March 5th and 6th, and the Kindersley Kinsmen and Kinette Club is getting ready! They have already begun collecting donations from the community on Saturdays at the mall and the Co-op food store. In the weeks ahead, you’ll find the Kinsmen and Kinette Club continuing to collect donations on Saturdays, first at Walmart, and then back at the Co-op food store. Tax receipts are given for donations of $10 and more.

Another easy way to submit your 2022 donation is through their online donation campaign, where you can donate from the comfort of your couch. Also, back for the second year is their online 50/50 raffle. Anyone interested in purchasing a ticket can go to their website. The draw will be made on March 2, 2022.

Nothing says Telemiracle like Telemiracle Teddy. Teddy will be making cameos at Elizabeth, Westberry and Caleb, but would like to meet you as well. Business owners can book their spot to get their picture taken with Teddy presenting their donation. You can email kinclubkindersley@gmail.com to get your photo taken with Teddy from March 1st to 3rd, when the club will also pick up your donations.

Pam Lyons is Kindersley’s Telemiracle Representative as well as Deputy Governor for Zone C on the District 3 Executive. She said, “We haven’t done the Telemiracle Teddy visits in Kindersley before, but we decided to use other methods to raise funds from the area.”

All donations will be added to their Kindersley community grand total, and will be presented to Telemiracle in Regina on March 5th and 6th.


Doggie massage!


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