Letter to the Editor: Important health information notice for west central Saskatchewan residents

Through Covid and other recent regional Health items, concerns have been expressed to representatives of Kindersley Health and Wellness Foundation (KDHWF), and representatives of Kindersley Medical Arts Authority (KMAA) who are building owners ONLY, about service, service levels, other matters, and physician concerns.

To be clear, neither group has any authority, capacity, ability or mandate to “provide health care services in West Central Saskatchewan,” this is the sole responsibility of the Saskatchewan Department of Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), and Government. Concerns about these matters should be discussed and brought to their attention for response and action.

The KMAA / Building Owners are a group of Regional Municipalities, including the Town of Kindersley, that came together to build a new clinic in proximity to the Hospital, and provide a place for physicians, recruited, retained, and accountable to SHA, to practice and provide service to west-central residents.

The KMAA / Building Owners has no direct influence or ability to determine how many doctors are here, their methods of practice, or services offered at the clinic and Hospital. SHA, Sask Health and Government are the ONLY ones who determine this.

The Foundation’s purpose is to support our regions health services via funding for equipment (Hospital, Manor, EMT’s, Nurses, others), training, and “assist” or “support” physicians in becoming established, once here, as best they can when new physicians arrive in Kindersley. All assistance and activities are following the Foundation’s policies and fiscal ability to do so. The Foundation has a website it details our contributions, what we have done so far, and other information regarding the Foundation.

Both the KMAA / Building Owners Group and the Foundation are represented by unpaid volunteers, representing RM’s, Town of Kindersley, and the public.

We felt it best, given circumstances, to clarify what KMAA / Building Owner Group does and what the Foundation does and can do. Doctors, services available at the Hospital and Manor, and other health-related services or matters in the west-central region are NOT in our control.

We appreciate and are grateful for the support we receive from everyone in the west-central region of Saskatchewan; without it, we would be unable to fulfill or do what we can to make things better.

If you have concerns, please contact:
Ken Francis, MLA
Unit 5, 1001 Main St
Box 2620, Kindersley SK S0L 1S0

Hon. Paul Merriman
Minister of Health
Room 204, Legislative Building,
2405 Legislative Dr., Regina, SK S4S 0B3

Hon.Everett Hindley
Minister of Rural & Remote Health
Room 208, Legislative Building
2405 Legislative Dr., Regina, SK. S4S 0B3

- KMAA / Building Owners Group


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