Letter to the Editor: Kindersley Elks #492 still doing good things for the community

2020 has been a challenging year. We did a few functions, and on March 17, our hall was closed. A few weeks later, our hall became a test centre for COVID, and the large hall became an emergency facility.

We have not had access since and probably not any time soon. Due to the fact when times were good, we put some funds away for a rainy day. We can continue doing the good things we do for our community and the Elks and Royal Purple Cross Fund for Children. We donated $4,000 to the Town for the handi bus and $2,067 to the fund for children.

We have two individuals receiving assistance from the Saskatchewan Elks Foundation for $2,089. You can see we are still busy and able to assist whenever needed.

With many members being of older age, we have decreased to a small number. Membership is still a problem. Anyone interested in joining can contact Gary Hamilton at 306-463-7192. The Kindersley Elks has been serving the area for over fifty years. Stay safe.

Yours fraternally,
Rose Niles, Exalted Ruler

Kate Winquist, Publisher

Your Southwest Media Group
603 Main Street | P.O. Box 727
Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0

Independent Publisher of: Your West Central Voice and The Oyen Echo




Letter to the Editor: Important health information notice for west central Saskatchewan residents