2024 Kindersley GOOSE FESTIVAL, a selection of photos
Enjoy 19 selected photos from the 2024 Kindersley Goose Festival. The annual Goose Festival was held September 19 to 22 this year.
The first official SWAC sport playoff, golf, was postponed due to torrential rains, but was finally held on Monday, September 23 at the Cypress Hills Golf Course.
JJ Voss had a full day of activities in Leader
Local businesses and community members supported an afternoon show for long-term care residents. The evening program, supported partly by The Pumpkin Growers...
Tyrone Kennedy-Bush was busy handing out information at the Goose Festival Parade, promoting the Kindersley All-Wheel Skatepark and Outdoor Recreational Area...
Kindersley Community All-Wheel Skatepark looking for fundraising sponsorship
The Kindersley Skatepark is designed to be a safe haven for the community, offering a space for outdoor events and providing kids an opportunity to learn new skills and build confidence.
Parents brought their kids out for lunch at the firemen’s barbecue at Coleville last week.
Quilt Show during Goose Festival Days
The Prairie Crocus Quilt Guild hosted their bi-annual Quilt Show during Goose Festival Days on Saturday at St. Paul's United Church. Such beautiful work!
Empress hosts another successful Whistle Stop Supper
The Empress & District Historical Society hosted another entertaining event at the Empress Train Station. The Whistle Stop Supper, the final event for 2024, had a sold-out crowd on September 21st.
A super-sized home garden with enough to share
A couple of kilometres east of Fiske is a 40-acre plot of land owned by Kendall and Rebecca Siemens and their two school-aged daughters.
The 2024 Kindersley Terry Fox Run was a great success!
We are proud to have our community come together to keep Terry's message alive while raising $1540 for cancer research.
First ever Goose Festival Veggie Car Show
The Kindersley Better Together group’s first ever Goose Festival Veggie Car Show made a great first start with 12 entries.
Penton: Black cloud hovers over start of NHL season
It’s going to be a sad beginning to the 2024-25 National Hockey League season as the Aug. 29 death of all-star winger Johnny Gaudreau is going to overshadow the traditional start-of-season thrills.
SPORTS TALK: New NFL kickoff rules are just … (dumb)
It’s difficult to believe that a group of reasonably intelligent men got together and thought this convoluted thing was a good idea.
Pop 89: Unforeseen Vistas
Sometimes wisdom lies in knowing what we cannot do, what we are not able to absorb. We may be accused by others of “living in denial,” but denial often serves a purpose.
Check It Out: Canadian military incapable of protecting our borders
The Canadian soldier returned home and said to his wife, “I survived IED’s, RPG attacks and extreme weather conditions.”
Remember these Plenty grads?
These Plenty grad students celebrated their graduation in September of 1974. Check out all the men in plaid!
A huge shout out to Mrs. Kraft and the Grade 5/6 class for coming out helping the Town of Kerrobert plant trees at the fairgrounds.
A memory from the Luseland Bible Camp
This photo, taken a decade ago in 2014, captures a memory from the Luseland Bible Camp. It was the second year the camp had held their Princess for a day activity.