A few Starbucks jokes for coffee lovers

Captain America ordered what at Starbucks?
One Iced Americano.

Can you tell me what the fox says when ordering at Starbucks?
Hot tea, hot tea, hot tea, ho!

What’s the fastest way to get Starbucks in less than a minute?
Tell the barista that your name is Fire. Everyone will run outside as soon as your name is called.

What did the piece of cheese tell the Starbucks barista?
“Can we Havarti?”

Astronauts use what kind of currency?

What does Starbucks mean when they say “If your drink isn’t top-notch every time, let us know. If not, we will make it right”?
To torture their employees.

What made the Swede drink on the floor of Starbucks?
Because he was told it was ground coffee.


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