Check It Out: Reports from within a nation

By Joan Janzen

It may be old news by the time this goes to print, but nevertheless, it's important to look at the situation in Israel. They are known worldwide for offering immediate emergency relief whenever disaster strikes to whoever needs it, whether they are friends or enemies of Israel. Suddenly, they find themselves in a position of needing help from others.

The nation stands alone as the sole democratic country in the Middle East, yet experiences relentless opposition. How things will look in Israel at the time this goes to print is unknown.

As news of last week's attacks broke out, the Epoch Times reported CBC's leaked email instructing reporters not to use the term 'terrorism' in connection with the attacks on Israel. Rallies in support of Hamas were evident in Canada even though those views are contrary to the position taken by the Liberal government, which denounced the attacks on Israel as terrorism. Even the Mayor of Toronto issued a public statement saying, "We simply must not tolerate any support of terror."

As always, finding out what's happening within the nation is best. Ron Cantor, a reporter in Israel, said it began with four thousand rockets launched. As the IDF focused on the rockets, Hamas destroyed security cameras at the border, tore down the separation fence with bulldozers, and poured into the southern towns. The attackers knew many soldiers would be at home honouring the Jewish occasions, Shabbat and Sukkot. Other soldiers were neutralized, leaving no one to report to higher levels of leadership what was taking place.

Ilan Friedman from Israel's Children's Cancer Centre reported Israel's healthcare systems were overwhelmed, and the centre provided critical aid in transporting the injured to hospitals. Rocket attacks forced them to move many patients to bomb shelters. One of the local hospitals was hit by a missile, and became the MASH unit for the conflict.

Another Israeli resident, Amir Tsarfati, said five kilometres from the border, more than 1,000 young people were attending an all-night concert. More than 1000 terrorists poured through the broken fence and opened fire on the group of young people. Many died while others were taken hostage; even deceased victims were taken hostage. Meanwhile, terrorists disguised as IDF soldiers knocked on the doors of homes and destroyed the occupants when they answered.

Avner Boskey from Israel reported to Elijah Streams that candies, and pastries were distributed to the Gazan bystanders in celebration of this victory. Other atrocities were recorded and posted on social media by the terrorists.

Avner described how and when the attack was first planned. "On September 1st and September 2nd, 2023, two fateful meetings were held in Beirut." There, the Iranian Foreign Minister met with the Hamas deputy chief to discuss the upcoming October attacks on Israel. They were joined by the Lebanese Secretary-General to work on the coordination between the resistance movements.

This is why Israel's government invoked Article 40, which amounts to a declaration of war, Amir reported. As usual, Israel warned residents to evacuate before they defended themselves against this injustice. Acts for America noted there were "reports of Palestinians in England celebrating in the streets as news of the attack on Israel emerged, adding a chilling layer to this distressing situation" and their unashamed goal to annihilate Israel.

The Gaza Strip is honeycombed with terror tunnels, where Hamas has hidden kidnap victims. Avner reported Hamas' high command headquarters are situated under Shifa Hospital, raising ethical dilemmas for Israel's war strategists. He also said Israel has clearly warned Lebanon over the past decade about the consequences if they should use rocket arsenal.

Golda Meir, who was prime minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974, had said, "When peace comes, we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons." On October 7th, Hamas forced Israel to act.

David Martin from CBS News reported Iran provided $100 million annually to Hamas and other Palestinian groups. The head of Hamas released a statement where he made it clear - from his perspective, this was the first volley in the Palestinian effort to liberate Jerusalem, and that means to remove Israel. They're not fighting because there is a two-state solution; they're fighting against a two-state solution.

American Rabbi Kurt Schneider was visiting Israel at the time of the attack. "Right now, we're trying to get a flight out of here. But I don't want my peace to be based on whether I get a flight. I want to have peace where I am at because there's no guarantee that the circumstances are always going to be smooth. I'm using the opportunity to prove that our God works in every situation, in good times and in bad."

The Rabbi is well aware that the good book gives specific instructions in this regard: "Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper."


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