School bus drivers provide an essential service to rural communities

October 17 is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day in Saskatchewan. The Sun West School Division operates 101 routes, transporting 2,343 students, 19,536 kilometres daily.

Behind these impressive statistics are dedicated and skilled school bus drivers who through the varied conditions of Saskatchewan weather and roads, deliver the students safe and sound to their schools and homes every school day.

“Communities and especially parents depend on our school bus drivers,” stated John Collins, Chair of the Sun West Board of Education, “and their job has never been so important. We owe our school bus drivers a big thank you!”

Even as the need for school bus drivers continues to increase, school divisions across the province, including Sun West, are finding it challenging to recruit enough bus drivers to keep all its routes in service. To help attract more school bus driver candidates, this week Sun West launched a recruitment campaign in local newspapers, radio stations and on social media.

“We want to show people that becoming a school bus driver could be a great opportunity. The position provides competitive wages and a benefit package that includes health, dental, vision and pension. Sun West provides free training and will reimburse successful candidates for their certifications.” Stated Collins.

The School Bus Driver recruitment campaign features Rosetown area driver Garth Wiens. Wiens indicates he enjoys being school bus driver and states: “What I find really exciting about this job is watching the children learn and grow and being a part of an essential service to rural communities.”


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