Odd Stories: Cocaine Cat

All the Cool Cats Are Doing It

If you saw the phrase "cocaine cat" trending recently, here's why: A wild cat that was captured in Cincinnati tested positive for exposure to cocaine, NPR reports. In events only recently made public, a big cat named Amiry escaped from his owner's car during a police stop in January. Soon after, local dog wardens started getting calls about a possible leopard stuck in a tree. Responders retrieved Amiry, brought him to a shelter and called in an expert. Per NPR, "The expert suspected Amiry was actually a serval: a long-legged, big-eared wild cat that is native to sub-Saharan Africa and illegal to own in Ohio." A DNA test confirmed that hunch -- and also found narcotics in the cat's system. (After an incident last year involving a monkey on amphetamines, the shelter now tests all "exotic" animals that come through its doors.) Amiry is currently living at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. He suffered a broken leg during his ordeal, but is recovering well, says lead trainer Linda Castaneda. "Amiry is young and very curious," she said. "He is exploring his new space and eating well." No charges have yet been filed against Amiry's former owner, but the case remains open. 

Lookin' For Love

Sometimes, even the self-appointed top bachelor needs a little help. Robert Siegfried, 43, of Janesville, Wisconsin, was tired of dating apps and decided to try a new tactic, reports WISC-TV. He took out a billboard featuring a photo of himself; next to that are the all-caps words "DATE ROBERT" in what some might call a desperate shade of red, followed by "Wisconsin's #1 Eligible Bachelor." The sign states that Robert is "looking for a local, honest woman." Said lucky lady can reach him at the number plastered on the billboard. If you do reach out to Robert, you might want to ask him about the restraining order that was put in place against him last year, according to online court records, which is set to last for four years. Meh, that's probably nothing to worry about. Get dialing, ladies! 


Well, that was awkward!


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