Trivia Time! The fleur-de-lis

1. What is the process in which pollen is transferred by insects to other flowers?

2. The rose is the national flower of the USA, The Maldives and which other country?

3. What kind of flower is the fleur-de-lis?

4. Amorphophallus titanums, or titan arums, are commonly referred to as corpse flowers. Why did they gain this nickname?

5. What quality makes a plant perennial?

6. Saffron is the most expensive spice by weight. From which flower do you get the spice Saffron?

7. Which small, white flower is commonly used to make tea?

8. Vanilla comes from which flowering plants?

9.  The Netherlands is famous for their colorful array of tulips, however tulips are not originally from The Netherlands. Which country did the Dutch first get tulips from?

10. What name is given to the smaller flowers you find in a dandelion’s head?

11. Which Disney princess shares her name with a small, fragrant, white flower?

12. Red roses are associated with love, however the other colors can have a different meaning. Which color of rose, which now signifies friendship, signified jealousy in Victorian times?

13. Which of these flowers is not edible: dandelion, lovage, hyacinth, or passionflower?

14. What is the name of the sweet fluid that insects drink from flowers?

15. Van Gogh’s 1888 painting depicts which kind of yellow flowers in a vase?


1. Pollination 2. England 3. A lily. Translated from French, fleur-de-lis means lily flower. 4. Due to their smell, which is said to be similar to a rotting corpse.  5. It lives for more than two years 6. Crocus sativus, also known as saffron crocus. The part we call saffron are the stigma and styles of the flower, which are harvested and dried. 7. Chamomile 8. Orchids. Not all orchids can produce vanilla pods, but about 110 species can. 9. Turkey 10. Florets 11. Jasmine 12. Yellow 13. Hyacinth 14. Nectar. The ancient Greek gods used to drink nectar as if it were champagne. 15. Sunflowers


Salome's Stars: May 26


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