Where do dads keep all their best dad jokes?

In a Dad-A-Base of course!

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: Old

Betty works Wednesdays at the library. That’s the day I usually pick up my holds. After Betty prints out my list, my tab, as I like to call it, I look at the bottom to see how much I’ve saved…

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: A Grisly Consolation

Ever since I moved to Val Marie, where darkness and silence make for deep sleeps and where unfettered winds and storms make for wild dreams, I’ve been waking with a phrase running through my head.

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: The Book Box

My sister and brother-in-law and I left their home for our afternoon hike just as the box arrived in the post. “It’s The Book Box!” my sister squealed.

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: Harold turns 90

My dad turned 90 on Monday. I pause to absorb that fact because as recently as November, he was in the Kelowna ICU with a severe case of sepsis and my sister called to warn me he might not make it through the night.

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: Safely at home

The word refugee first appears in 1680 and is defined as “one who flees to a refuge or shelter or place of safety; one who in times of persecution or political disorder flees to another country for safety…

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