Holding down multiple jobs? Yes, but not just any old way!

Whether out of financial need or professional ambition, polyworking has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to be well-informed before working several jobs at once. Here are some points to consider.


Legally, your primary employer doesn’t have to know that you have another source of income. However, if they suspect you’re working another job on company time and can prove it, the consequences can be serious, ranging from termination to legal action.

Therefore, it’s important to comply with current laws regarding overtime and working conditions. For example, if your primary employer requires you to stay longer at work, you must be available.

Advantages and disadvantages

Working multiple jobs has some benefits, but you’ll also face some challenges. The advantages include additional income and the chance to diversify your skills.

On the other hand, you may be overloaded with work, which can eventually lead to burnout. Polyworking can also cause conflicts of interest and negatively impact your personal life. What’s more, an increase in your income can affect your taxes and benefits.

Talk to a financial expert to avoid unpleasant surprises.


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