Where do dads keep all their best dad jokes?

In a Dad-A-Base of course!

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: Not Altogether There

Last night I showed my brother the documentary “Wild Prairie Man” about my friend James R. Page who has spent the last few decades photographing the wild prairie of Grasslands National Park.

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: Hold My Hand

While the gales whip off the ocean, cross the Island where I’m stationed with my sisters, next to a hospital bed, the same grey clouds make their way to Val Marie, SK where snow steadily falls.

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: Dougie’s Keepers

I had just finished dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on a story about my mother’s funeral when the phone rang. It was my sister in Medicine Hat. My brother had a stroke.

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Commentary The Weekly Bean Commentary The Weekly Bean

Pop 89: Primed

There’s a form of torture that involves steadily dripping drops of water on a prisoner’s forehead. The drip drip drip primes the prisoner to eventually snap.

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