How does your cat know about tomorrow’s weather?

He checks the fur-cast.

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When it comes to the productivity and efficiency of your operation, every decision counts. One of those decisions is how you fuel your equipment. You need to be sure that it will run efficiently and without unnecessary downtime, especially during your busiest seasons.

Humor The Weekly Bean Humor The Weekly Bean

Funny Grad Stories

Keep on learning, Though your graduation's done; Your whole life's an education, That has only just begun.

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Humor The Weekly Bean Humor The Weekly Bean

What a Weird World

Down at the Amarillo (Texas) Zoo, it isn't the animal exhibits inside that are sparking excitement among the city's residents.

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Funny stories: New and Improved

The little girl was sitting in her father’s lap as he read her a goodnight story. From time to time, she would take her eye’s off the book and reach up to touch his wrinkled cheek.

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Humor The Weekly Bean Humor The Weekly Bean

Engineering a Cow

Back in the day, on a beautiful spring day, a farmer had led his cow to a small stream next to a green, lush meadow.

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Oops! Green screen

What do you get when you cross spring picture day, a green screen background and St. Patrick’s Day? Completely memorable elementary school photos, of course!

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